How to make Peruvian filled cause
The cause fill or cause Lima , is one of the most fabulous dishes that Peruvian gastronomy has.
It is a very old dish that has as protagonist the yellow potato , known in some places as the Andean potato, and the delicious and delicious Peruvian yellow pepper.
The filling of the Lima cause is usually made of tuna or of chicken. Although you can also get some that are crab, shrimp and other types of fish.
For this filled cause recipe we will use canned tuna, but you can follow all the same procedure and use chicken mechado (previously parboiled).
The ideal thing to do a Lima cause is to use the aforementioned big yellow potato (there are some little ones that are Colombian, not those), but if in your city/There is no country, you can try another type of this same tuber, the consistency may not be exactly the same, but what's more, do not limit yourself if you do not have the exact ingredient.
The chili should be fresh , but if in your region there is no, try yellow pepper paste works super well.
How to make stuffed tuna
- 3 yellow Andean potatoes andes
- 3 cans of tuna in natural sauce
- 2 yellow peppers
- 1 purple onion
- 1 medium tomato
- ½ avocado (avocado)
- Juice of half a lemon
- 1 parboiled egg
- 3 tablespoons of mayonnaise
- Olive oil
- Salt
- Some fresh parsley leaves
- Black olives to decorate (optional)
The elaboration of the completed cause requires several steps and, although it takes a while and has a process to follow, it is very easy to do.
First you must leave all peeled and cut:
Chop the onion and tomato in small cubes and reserve in a bowl.
Cut the avocado into medium cubes. Reserve.
Parboil an egg, remove the peel and reserve.
Chop the yellow pepper in very small squares and reserve.
Peel and chop the potatoes in medium pieces and put them to boil in a pot with water and a pinch of salt.
While making the potatoes you can prepare the filling of the Lima cause:
Mix the tomato, the onion, a part of yellow pepper, tuna cans and mayonnaise. Add a pinch of salt.
If the potatoes are ready, put them in a large bowl and puree them by crushing them with a fork or with a respective pisapapas. Add a squirt of olive oil and the juice of half a lemon. Keep crushing and mixing.
You can also add some yellow pepper, preferably ground until it becomes a paste. Mix everything very well until it takes a good consistency of puree. It should not be too creamy but rather a little compact.
Now it's time to put together your wonderful filled cause.
Ideally, you should have a round mold where you can add the layers.
Start first with a layer of mashed potatoes, try to be about 2 centimeters thick, although this will ultimately depend a bit on you.
Then add a fill layer prepared previously.It fits very well.
Now, good luck!

How to make Peruvian fillet cause