Beans from the pot, traditional homemade recipe
Mexico is the territory of the beans in the pot. Yes, it is true that they are only a dish, but these pots of beans are everywhere, especially near where arracheras and tampiqueñas are served.
The beans in the pot are present in almost all the kitchens of Mexico, especially in the more traditional kitchens: those of the grandmothers. Most Mexicans must associate the smell of beans in the pot with the memories of their childhood, as well as the smell of corn tortillas. The same applies to the traditional clay pots in which these grains are cooked.
That's why, today, we are going to prepare the traditional recipe for beans from the pot, so Mexican and so homemade that I already feel in the kitchen of the house of a magical town, and not next to the computer with which I am writing.
How to wash and soak the beans?
- Keep in mind that the first thing to do with beans is to clean and soften them, and that this takes a little time. From the outset, we will have to check these grains to make sure we remove any residue, such as small stones, sand balls, or seeds of poor quality, among other possibilities. We can do this by passing the grains from one container to another, after reviewing them in detail and by hand, or if you prefer, spread them on a tray, for greater visibility.
- Then, you will have to rinse the beans with plenty Water. For this we will need a large sieve, and pass them under a stream of water.
- With the beans already well washed and drained, we will look for a pot or large container, and put them there with fresh and clean water , to leave them softening. They should stay like this for an entire night. Consider that the water level should completely cover the grains.
- The next day, check that the beans have softened a bit.Therefore, today we will explain the most typical and popular recipe of the latter, to prepare them step by step, and with much seasoning.We will place them in a large enough pot. This means that the beans should occupy less than 1/3 of the pot, to be able to cover them with 2/3 of water and that we still have space.